Adding buttons to a message

Buttons are a great way to make your messages interactive. They can be used to link to websites, open apps, or even facilitate a purchase. To add a button to a message, simply click the "Add button" icon and select the type of button you want to include. You can then customize the text and appearance of the button.

We offer two options for button mapping, and choosing between them affects the types of buttons you can use. Let's delve into more detail:

  1. Inline - buttons will be displayed immediately below the message.
  2. Reply - buttons will be displayed under the input field (Telegram, Viber, etc.).

The selected button display option influences the available button types. It's important to note that choosing to display buttons does not impact WebChat.

Use different buttons depending on your scenario:

  1. Inline:
Function Description
TEXT Send the text added to the “Value” field to the user.
URL Send the link added to the “Value” field to the user.
GO TO Transfer the user to the Node added to the “Value” field.
BACK Transfer the user to the previous Node.
  1. Reply
Function Description
TEXT Send the text added to the “Value” field to the user.
GO TO Transfer the user to the Node added to the “Value” field.
PHONE Gives an opportunity to share the phone.
LOCATION Provides an opportunity to share the location.
BACK Transfer the user to the previous Node.


  1. Click the "Message" node that you want to add buttons to.
  2. Click the "Keyboard" icon.
  3. Select the type of button that you want to add.
  4. Enter the text for the button.
  5. Click the "Save" button.

To use the GO TO button type, you need to create the corresponding Nodes.