10 Ways AI Reduces Average Handle Time (AHT)

AI is transforming customer service by slashing Average Handle Time (AHT) without sacrificing quality. Here’s how:

  1. Quick agent assistance
  2. Automated simple tasks
  3. Smart call routing
  4. Proactive problem-solving
  5. Faster question understanding
  6. Improved information retrieval
  7. Real-time sentiment analysis
  8. AI-powered agent training
  9. Chatbots for basic queries
  10. Streamlined after-call work

Quick Comparison:

AI Solution Key Benefit Impact on AHT
Agent assistance Instant info access Up to 90% faster
Task automation Handles routine queries 2-3 min saved per query
Smart routing Matches callers to best agents 7% shorter calls
Proactive AI Solves issues before they escalate 50% shorter calls
NLP Faster query comprehension 80% faster responses
AI knowledge base Smarter, faster searches Significant time savings
Sentiment analysis Tailored responses Faster problem resolution
AI training Targeted agent improvement Halved call scoring time
Chatbots 24/7 instant responses Frees agents for complex issues
After-call AI Automated summaries and updates 6 min saved per call

AI isn’t replacing humans—it’s making them more efficient. The result? Shorter handle times, happier customers, and more productive agents.

AI Gives Agents Quick Help

AI is transforming customer service. It’s like having a super-smart sidekick for agents. Here’s the scoop:

While agents chat with customers, AI works behind the scenes. It digs through data and past chats, then serves up the best info to agents on the spot.

This isn’t just helpful. It’s a game-changer:

  • Problems solved faster
  • Quicker answers for customers
  • Everyone wins

Let’s look at the numbers:

Metric Without AI With AI Improvement
Info finding time 2-3 minutes 10-15 seconds Up to 90% faster
First-time solves 70% 85% 21% increase
Agent productivity Baseline +14% Big boost

But it’s not just about speed. AI helps agents give better answers by learning from every chat.

Take Sprinklr‘s AI Agent Assist tool. It cuts problem-solving time in half. That’s a big deal for reducing handle times.

Here’s a real example:

A customer calls with a tech issue. The AI instantly pulls up:

  • Similar past problems
  • Step-by-step fixes
  • Product manuals

The agent can solve the problem fast, without putting the customer on hold.

Andy Traba from NICE says:

"AI can match a customer’s request to the right service representative, as well as streamline your workflows to improve the speed with which requests are met."

The takeaway? AI isn’t replacing agents. It’s making them faster and smarter. That means shorter handle times and happier customers.

2. AI Does Simple Tasks Automatically

AI is shaking up customer service by handling routine tasks. This lets agents focus on tougher issues and cuts down on average handle time (AHT).

Here’s the scoop:

  • AI chatbots answer common questions 24/7
  • Customers track orders without talking to anyone
  • AI guides users through basic troubleshooting

Real-world impact:

Task Time Saved Customer Satisfaction Boost
FAQ Answers 2-3 min/query 15%
Order Status Checks 1-2 min/call 10%
Simple Tech Support 5-10 min/issue 20%

These savings add up fast. A company with 1,000 daily calls could save 50-100 agent hours by automating just these tasks.

LivePerson, an AI customer service pro, says:

"Our AI chatbots answer routine questions instantly, 24/7. It saves your team time and gets customers answers when they need them."

But it’s not just about speed. AI automation also:

  • Reduces human error
  • Gives consistent answers
  • Frees agents for complex issues

To make AI work for you:

  1. List your top customer questions
  2. Set up AI for the most common ones
  3. Train your AI with real customer data
  4. Keep your AI up-to-date

3. AI Sends Calls to the Right Agent

AI call routing is a game-changer for customer service. It matches callers with the best agents, cutting down call times and making customers happier.

How does it work? AI checks the caller’s history and account info, figures out what they need, and picks the perfect agent for the job. The result? Problems get solved faster, and customers leave satisfied.

Some companies are already seeing big wins:

Company Results
Rogers Communications 7% shorter calls, 3% more customers stick around
Western Europe Telecom 4% more issues fixed on first try, 4-point bump in customer loyalty

Christian Montes from NobelBiz sums it up:

"Our smart routing connects customers with the right agent at the right time, making every call smooth and personal."

Want to make AI routing work for you? Here’s how:

  1. Match callers with agents who speak their language or know specific products
  2. Use real-time data to spread calls evenly and cut wait times
  3. Let AI spot keywords in calls and give agents helpful info on the spot

Good routing isn’t just about speed. It means fewer transfers, more first-call fixes, and less stressed-out agents.

4. AI Guesses and Solves Problems Early

AI doesn’t just react to customer issues—it sees them coming. By analyzing data patterns, AI can spot potential problems before they turn into angry phone calls.

Here’s the deal:

AI scans customer data, finds patterns that might lead to issues, and takes action to fix problems or alert staff.

This proactive approach? It cuts down on call times and makes customers happier.

Let’s look at some real-world examples:

Company AI Solution Results
Capital One Eno virtual assistant 50% shorter calls, 15% happier customers
eBay AI-driven chatbots 20% better first-contact resolution, 10% happier customers

These numbers show the power of catching issues early. It’s not just about speed—it’s about solving problems before customers even know they have them.

Invoca, a call tracking company, takes this idea further. Their PreSense feature gives agents a heads-up on why a customer might be calling. It tracks:

  • Keywords the customer searched
  • Ads they clicked
  • Products they viewed on the website

With this info, agents can jump right into solving problems. No more back-and-forth.

Want to make AI work for you? Try this:

  • Use AI to spot recurring issues in customer feedback
  • Set up alerts for negative sentiment trends
  • Build a system that reaches out to customers with solutions before they call

Remember: The goal is to solve problems before they become problems. That’s the power of AI in customer service.

5. AI Understands Customer Questions Faster

AI is a game-changer for cutting down Average Handle Time (AHT). How? It’s all about speed and accuracy.

AI uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to decode customer messages. No more endless back-and-forth. It gets to the heart of what customers want, fast.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • AI spots the real purpose behind customer words
  • It looks at the big picture, not just keywords
  • Queries get sorted and routed in a flash

This isn’t just tech talk. It’s making waves:

Impact Area Improvement
Response Time Up to 80% faster for routine inquiries
Budget Savings Up to 30% of customer service costs

Here’s a surprise: 78% of consumers PREFER AI to summarize their issues. It helps human agents jump in with solutions quicker.

Real-world example? AWS Contact Center Intelligence (CCI). It’s plugging AI into existing setups, boosting productivity with real-time insights.

Want to make this work for you? Try these:

  • Use AI for email sorting and drafting responses
  • Set up chatbots for 24/7 simple query handling
  • Use conversational analytics to spot trends

AI isn’t just fast. It’s smart. And it’s changing the game in customer service.


6. AI Makes Finding Answers Easier

AI is changing how we find information. It’s not just about storing data – it’s about making that data work for you.

Here’s how AI speeds up searches:

  • It understands what you’re looking for, even if your keywords aren’t exact
  • It learns from your past searches to give better results
  • It keeps information up-to-date automatically

Real-world example: Capacity, an AI knowledge base, handles 7,000+ weekly inquiries for a school district. This frees up staff time for other tasks.

Businesses are using AI too. Sephora‘s chatbot doesn’t just answer questions – it gives personalized skincare advice.

Here’s how AI knowledge bases compare to traditional ones:

Feature Traditional KB AI-Powered KB
Search accuracy Keyword-based Context-aware
Update frequency Manual Automatic
Personalization Limited Adaptive
Query handling Basic Q&A Complex interactions

The result? Faster answers and happier customers. Plus, every interaction makes the AI smarter.

To use AI in your knowledge base:

  1. Look for natural language processing
  2. Choose systems that organize data well
  3. Use AI to spot trends in customer questions
  4. Add AI chatbots for round-the-clock support

7. AI Reads Customer Feelings

AI is now helping agents understand customer emotions during calls. This tech, called sentiment analysis, looks at words, tone, and speech patterns to figure out how a customer feels.

Here’s the gist:

  • AI checks text and voice for emotional hints
  • It sorts feelings into positive, neutral, or negative
  • Agents get real-time tips on how to respond

This lets agents tailor their approach based on the customer’s mood, often solving problems faster.

T-Mobile put this to work and saw big results. They used AI to look at customer feedback and cut complaints by 73%. That’s a huge improvement in service.

Coca-Cola jumped on this too for their Y3000 Zero Sugar drink. They used AI to understand how people felt about flavors and emotions, which helped shape their marketing.

AI emotion detection has some cool perks:

Perk What It Does
Catches problems early Spots angry customers before things get worse
Personal touch Helps agents match the customer’s mood
Better training Gives data to teach agents about emotions
Gets ahead of issues Lets companies fix common emotional triggers

For example, if AI spots a frustrated customer, it can give the agent a heads-up or even send the chat to a pro.

Humana, a health insurance company, tried this with IBM’s AI. It helped them give custom responses, which meant shorter calls and happier customers.

To make the most of AI emotion detection:

  1. Pick a system that looks at different types of data
  2. Teach agents how to use these emotional insights
  3. Use what you learn to make your stuff better
  4. Remember, AI helps, but human judgment is key

8. AI Listens and Helps Train Agents

AI is revolutionizing call center agent training. It’s like having a tireless, super-smart coach.

Here’s the deal:

AI listens to every call, assessing agent performance. It identifies strengths and areas for improvement, enabling managers to provide targeted feedback and training.

CHRISTUS Health Plan‘s use of Invoca’s AI halved their call scoring time. This lets them focus on actual agent improvement.

But AI doesn’t just listen – it learns. It uncovers patterns across thousands of calls that humans might miss, helping call centers:

  • Identify best practices for common issues
  • Improve agent-customer communication
  • Anticipate and prevent problems

AutoNation uses AI to boost sales team performance. The AI transcribes calls and checks if agents follow protocols, like using the correct greeting. Managers then use real calls for targeted coaching.

Here’s a snapshot of AI’s impact on agent training:

AI Feature Benefit
Real-time feedback In-call improvement suggestions
Automatic call scoring Consistent evaluation of all calls
Trend spotting Identification of common issues
Personalized training Tailored agent improvement plans

AI allows call centers to scale agent training without increasing trainers, cutting costs and boosting effectiveness.

9. AI Chatbots Answer Simple Questions

AI chatbots are revolutionizing customer service. They handle easy questions, freeing up human agents for tougher issues.

Here’s how chatbots slash Average Handle Time (AHT):

  • They’re always on
  • They respond instantly
  • They give consistent answers

Real-world wins:

Lemonade‘s chatbot, Jim, processed a claim in minutes and paid it in 3 seconds.

"A.I. Jim works at the speed of light, 24/7, but costs only a few pennies in electricity bills." – Daniel Schreiber, Lemonade CEO & Co-founder

Canadian Blood Services saw big improvements:

Benefit Result
Fewer simple queries More time for complex issues
Longer chats Better attention to tough questions
Higher efficiency No need for more staff

"The chatbot wasn’t launched to reduce agent headcount. It was launched so our agents can spend less time on simple queries, and more on the complicated and high-value queries." – Denny Michaud, Canadian Blood Services

HSS Hire‘s chatbot boosted sales:

  • Handled basic queries
  • Freed up agents
  • Result: 30% conversion rate from live chats to sales

Chatbots aren’t just fast. They help customers help themselves, leading to happier customers and less stressed agents.

To maximize AI chatbot benefits:

1. Train them with real customer data

2. Improve based on feedback

3. Always offer a human option

10. AI Helps with Work After Calls

Agents spend about 6 minutes on after-call work (ACW) for each call. That’s a lot of time not spent helping customers. AI can cut this down big time. Here’s how:

Automated Call Summaries

AI listens and creates quick, accurate summaries. No more typing up notes after each call.

Smart CRM Updates

AI automatically updates customer records. Agents don’t have to do it manually.

Instant Quality Assurance

AI scores calls right away. No waiting for manual reviews.

Real-world examples:

Company AI Solution Results
CHRISTUS Health Plan Invoca’s call recording and transcription Better agent training and customer experience
AutoNation Invoca’s automated call QA Faster quality assurance
Accolade Observe.AI’s summarization No more ACW, more consistent results

"Invoca’s call recording and transcription gives CHRISTUS Health Plan’s call center real-life teachable moments. They use these to train agents and improve customer experience." – Invoca Case Study

By cutting ACW, AI helps agents take more calls and focus on customers.

To use AI for less ACW:

  1. Choose AI tools that work with your current systems
  2. Train AI on your specific calls and customer needs
  3. Use AI insights to keep getting better


AI is transforming call centers, boosting efficiency and customer service. Here’s how it’s cutting Average Handle Time (AHT):

  • Chatbots handle simple queries
  • AI assists agents with quick info and suggestions
  • It learns and improves over time
  • 24/7 availability reduces peak-hour waits
  • Routine task automation cuts costs

Real-world results:

Company AI Solution Result
Pendragon Conversation Analytics 63% lower cost per acquisition, 30% fewer missed calls
Flight Center AI implementation 46% more online phone conversions for custom holidays
Nordic insurance firm AI claims management More agent time for customer relationships

These aren’t just fancy stats. They show AI’s real impact on customer service.

"AI can help surface useful documentation and other answers for a live agent, but may not always be able to answer every single ‘edge case’ question." – Jen Jackson, VP of Customer Experience

This highlights AI’s role: it’s a partner to human agents, not a replacement.

What’s next? Expect more businesses to adopt AI, smarter systems tackling complex tasks, and a focus on boosting customer satisfaction.

For businesses considering AI:

  1. Start small with one task
  2. Train your team
  3. Keep improving based on learnings

AI isn’t just about saving time. It’s about making customer service better, faster, and more effective.


How to decrease AHT?

Want to cut down your Average Handle Time (AHT)? Here’s how:

  1. Coach your team: Regular training = more efficient agents.
  2. Build a knowledge base: Quick info access speeds up problem-solving.
  3. Automate routine tasks: Let AI handle the simple stuff.
  4. Keep an eye on newbies: Spot improvement areas early.
  5. Update records during calls: Less after-call work.
  6. Get the full story upfront: Avoid follow-up calls.

Check out these real-world wins:

Company What they did The payoff
Unity Used AI for support 8,000 fewer tickets, $1.3M saved
Esusu Automated workflows Faster onboarding, more efficient agents

"Zendesk AI makes our agents’ workflow smoother and easier." – Jessica Hannes, Support Director at Esusu

These tactics work. Give them a shot and watch your AHT drop!

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Dmytro Panasiuk
Dmytro Panasiuk
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