12 Tips to Customize Chatbot Ratings & Reviews

Want to improve your chatbot‘s performance? Here’s how to get better feedback:

  1. Pick the right rating scale (stars, numbers, emojis)
  2. Make the interface user-friendly
  3. Ask for feedback at the right time
  4. Personalize feedback requests
  5. Offer rewards for honest reviews
  6. Allow feedback on multiple platforms
  7. Collect feedback during chats
  8. Ask specific follow-up questions
  9. Use feedback to make improvements
  10. Keep user data safe
  11. Test different rating systems
  12. Continuously improve your system

Quick Comparison:

Tip Key Benefit
Right rating scale Increases engagement
User-friendly interface Boosts response rates
Timely feedback requests Gets more accurate responses
Personalized requests Improves relevance
Rewards for reviews Increases participation
Multi-platform feedback Captures more data
In-chat feedback Provides immediate insights
Specific follow-ups Gathers detailed information
Acting on feedback Improves chatbot performance
Data security Builds user trust
Testing rating systems Optimizes feedback collection
Continuous improvement Keeps chatbot up-to-date

By implementing these tips, you can get more useful feedback and create a better chatbot experience for your users.

1. Pick the Best Rating Scale

Choosing the right rating scale for your chatbot can make or break your feedback. Let’s look at some options:

Stars or Numbers

Star ratings and numerical scales are common choices. Here’s how they compare:

Type Pros Cons
Stars Visual, familiar, quick Limited detail, less nuanced
Numbers Precise, easy to analyze, flexible Less engaging, potentially confusing

Bank of America‘s Erica started with stars but switched to a two-step process: stars plus comments. This boosted feedback by 15% and improved Erica‘s capabilities.


Emoji ratings are on the rise. Why? They’re:

  • Fun and engaging
  • Globally understood
  • Good at capturing emotions

Deutsche Telekom‘s Tinka switched to emojis in 2022. Result? 22% more feedback and 30% better sentiment analysis.

"Emojis in chatbot ratings aren’t just cute; they’re powerful tools for capturing user emotions and improving engagement." – Smith.ai

Pick a scale that fits your audience, brand, and feedback needs. The goal? Make it easy for users to share their thoughts and help you improve your chatbot.

2. Make the Interface Easy to Use

A user-friendly rating interface is crucial for getting good feedback. Here’s how to nail it:

Good Design Practices

Keep it simple. Users should rate without hesitation. Some tips:

  • Clear, short language
  • Few choices
  • Easy-to-click buttons
  • Consistent design
Element Do This
Buttons Big, clear labels
Text Short, readable
Colors High contrast
Layout Clean, spacious

Making It Accessible

Your rating system should work for everyone. Consider:

  • Following WCAG
  • Using readable fonts and colors
  • Adding alt text for images
  • Enabling keyboard navigation

When Deutsche Telekom’s Tinka chatbot switched to emoji ratings, feedback jumped 22%.

"The chatbot UI is the visual and emotional face of the chatbot experience."

Think about customization. Let users tweak colors or rating scales. It might make them more likely to rate.

Test thoroughly before launch. Watch how people use it and be ready to change things. A flexible approach will make your rating system work well and be fun to use.

3. Ask for Feedback at the Right Time

Timing is everything when it comes to chatbot feedback. Ask at the right moment, and you’ll get honest, helpful responses. Ask at the wrong time, and you’ll annoy users and get skewed results.

When to Ask

Here’s when users are most likely to give good feedback:

  • After they finish a task
  • When they hit a milestone (like 10 successful chats)
  • During natural pauses (like waiting for a response)
Good Times to Ask Why It Works
Post-task Users have context
After milestones They feel good about achieving something
During wait times They’re not busy
End of chat They can reflect on the whole experience

Don’t Bug Users

Avoid these feedback faux pas:

  • Don’t ask right when they open the chatbot
  • Don’t interrupt them mid-task
  • Don’t ask too often

To keep it smooth:

  1. Make surveys feel like part of the chat
  2. Keep questions short and sweet
  3. Let users skip if they’re busy

"Waiting bugs me on my phone. On my computer, I’m switching between windows, so I don’t notice the wait as much." – User from a study

Remember: Good timing = better feedback.

4. Customize Feedback Requests

Make your chatbot’s questions personal. You’ll get better insights and keep users engaged.

Personalize Messages

Use what you know about your users:

  1. Use their name: "Hi Sarah, quick thoughts?"
  2. Mention past chats: "3 months with our chatbot. What do you think?"
  3. Bring up actions: "Just booked a flight? How was it?"
  4. Ask about favorites: "You use our premium features a lot. Top pick?"
Tactic Message
Name "Hey Tom, quick question!"
Product "How’s the new coffee maker?"
Recent action "Just finished support chat. Thoughts?"
Loyalty "2-year member, your opinion matters."

Keep it brief. Quick chats beat long surveys.

"Mobile-first era killed long surveys." – Surveybot

Mix up question types:

  • Yes/No: "Did our chatbot help today?"
  • Open-ended: "One thing we could improve?"
  • Scale: "1-5, how likely to recommend us?"

Timing counts. Ask:

  • Right after task completion
  • During chat pauses
  • At chat end

Follow up on unfinished surveys:

"Didn’t finish sharing? Got a minute to wrap up?"

5. Offer Rewards for Feedback

Want more chatbot ratings? Give users a reason to share their thoughts. Here’s how to do it right:

Types of Rewards

Pick rewards your users actually want:

Reward Type Example Benefit
Discount 10% off next booking Quick to implement
Loyalty Points 100 points for review Builds engagement
Contest Entry Win a free tour Creates excitement
Freebie 1-month premium upgrade High perceived value

But here’s the catch: you want HONEST feedback, not just positive reviews. Make that clear.

Justin McGill from Gist shares their approach:

"We combined a partnership with Capterra to give $20 gift cards for reviews with three additional account upgrades should users choose to leave a review."

This gives users a choice without pushing for only positive feedback.

Lauren Pope from G2 takes a different route:

"We partner with our G2 Gives program to create social good through user reviews. Anyone who leaves a software review on our website can choose a participating 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and G2 will give that charity a $10 donation for their review."

This strategy appeals to users who want to help others.

Key points:

  • Keep it simple
  • Clearly communicate the incentive
  • Follow platform rules
  • Use your chatbot to manage the process

6. Allow Feedback on Different Platforms

Users interact with brands across multiple channels. To get the full picture, let them leave feedback where they’re comfortable.

Here’s how to set up a multi-platform feedback system:

  1. Identify key channels: Find where your users hang out. This could be your website, app, social media, or messaging apps.
  2. Use omnichannel chatbots: These keep conversations going across platforms. MilitaryCruiseDeals used ProProfs Chat‘s solution and got 24/7 support, better accessibility, and faster responses.
  3. Offer feedback options: Let users choose how to share:
Format Example
Text Comments or reviews
Voice Audio recordings
Video Short explanation clips
Images Screenshots or photos
  1. Integrate systems: Feed data from all platforms into one central system.
  2. Keep it consistent: Use the same rating scale and core questions everywhere.
  3. Make it easy: Add feedback options in chat interfaces. Try: "Want to record a quick video about your onboarding issue?"
  4. Follow platform rules: Each channel has its own guidelines. Stay compliant.

By allowing feedback on different platforms, you’ll hear from more users and spot trends you might miss otherwise.

"The Facebook Messenger Chatbot for Luxury Escapes got a conversion rate 3x higher than their website, making over $300,000 in 90 days."

This shows how the right channel choice can boost engagement – a principle that applies to gathering feedback too.


7. Collect Feedback During Chats

Want to know what users really think? Ask them while they’re chatting with your bot.

Here’s why it works:

  • Users share thoughts right away
  • More people respond
  • You get feedback tied to specific chat moments

How to do it right:

  1. Keep questions short and sweet
  2. Make it feel like part of the chat
  3. Mix it up with text, emojis, or number ratings

Tools for Quick Feedback

Tool What’s Good
SurveyMonkey Easy to add, lots of options
Typeform Feels like a real conversation
Google Forms Simple setup, gets the job done


  • Plug these tools right into your chatbot
  • Ask for feedback after key moments
  • Use different question types to keep it interesting

For example, after a user buys something:

"Rate your experience from 1-5, with 5 being awesome!"

Then follow up with:

"Anything else you want to tell us about chatting with our bot?"

8. Ask Specific Follow-Up Questions

After a user rates their chatbot experience, dig deeper with targeted follow-ups. This helps you understand the why behind their rating and gather actionable insights.

Here’s how to get the most out of your follow-up questions:

  1. Keep it simple: Use clear language. No jargon.
  2. Be specific: Ask about particular features or aspects.
  3. Mix it up: Use both closed-ended and open-ended questions.
  4. Focus on key areas: Ask about ease of use, accuracy, speed, and tone.
  5. Time it right: Ask immediately after the interaction.
  6. Don’t overdo it: Stick to 2-3 questions max.

Here’s a quick look at different question types:

Type Pros Cons Example
Yes/No Fast Limited insight "Did the chatbot solve your problem?"
Rating Scale Quantifiable May oversimplify "Rate the chatbot’s speed (1-5)"
Open-ended Detailed feedback Time to analyze "How can we improve our chatbot?"

"The right questions don’t just collect data, they spark conversations and drive improvements", says Akshay Kothari, CPO at Notion.

Remember: Each question should help you improve your chatbot. Make every question count.

9. Use Feedback to Make Improvements

Got feedback? Great. Now let’s put it to work.

Tools for Analyzing Feedback

You’ll need the right tools to make sense of all that data. Here are some top picks:

Tool Key Features Best For
Botanalytics User retention, sentiment analysis, funnel visualization Comprehensive analytics
Chatbase A/B testing, optimization tools Continuous improvement
Dashbot User segmentation, conversation flow visualization Actionable insights

These tools help you spot trends, find pain points, and track how your bot’s doing over time.

Making Changes Based on Feedback

Time to act on that data. Here’s how:

1. Spot common issues

Look for patterns. Are users always getting stuck at the same spot?

2. Pick your battles

Focus on changes that’ll make the biggest splash. Usually, that means fixing what bugs the most users.

3. Update your chatbot

Time to make some tweaks. This might mean:

  • Rewriting confusing messages
  • Adding new info to your bot’s knowledge base
  • Changing up the conversation flow

4. Test and watch

Made changes? Keep an eye on your metrics. If things aren’t better, try something else.

"AI chatbots need lots of training and upkeep to work well. They can’t just learn on their own from data", says a recent study on making chatbots better.

Remember: improving your chatbot is an ongoing process. Keep listening, keep tweaking, and keep making it better.

10. Keep User Data Safe

Protecting user info is crucial. Here’s how to do it right:

Data Safety Rules

  1. Encrypt Everything: Use encryption for all data. It’s like a secret code that keeps info safe.
  2. Collect Less: Only gather what you need. Less data = less risk.
  3. Ask First: Tell users what you’re collecting and why. Get their OK.
  4. Lock It Up: Use strong databases with tight access controls.
  5. Check Often: Look for weak spots in your system regularly.
  6. Follow Laws: Stick to rules like GDPR and CCPA.
Rule What It Means
GDPR (EU) Ask users, let them see/delete data
CCPA (CA) Tell what you collect, let users opt out
  1. Train Your Team: Everyone should know how to handle data safely.
  2. Have a Plan B: Know what to do if things go wrong. GDPR says you have 72 hours to report breaches.

"Find weak spots fast, fix them faster. That’s how you avoid big problems." – Mark Jones, SecureChat Security Pro

11. Test Different Rating Systems

Want to find the best rating system for your chatbot? You need to test different options. Here’s how:

  1. Set clear goals. What do you want to measure? Completed chats? Successful interactions? Sales leads?
  2. Use A/B testing. Create different versions of your chatbot with different rating systems. For example:
Version A Version B
5-star rating Emoji feedback
1-10 scale Thumbs up/down
  1. Randomly assign users to each version.
  2. Run the test for 2-4 weeks.
  3. Analyze the results. Look at user engagement, feedback completion rates, and feedback quality.
  4. Make your decision based on the data.

"A/B testing boosted our chatbot’s feedback collection by 27% in just one month", says Sarah Chen from ChatFlow.

Pro tip: Some chatbot platforms have built-in A/B testing tools. ChatBot, for example, lets you test up to 5 different flows at once.

12. Keep Improving Your System

Chatbot rating systems need ongoing care. Here’s why and how to keep your system sharp:

Ways to Keep Getting Better

1. Check your metrics regularly

Look at these numbers weekly:

Metric What It Tells You
Automation rate Bot’s self-sufficiency
Unrecognized questions Bot’s weak spots
Customer ratings User satisfaction
Conversation length Chat efficiency

2. Talk to your human agents

Your support team knows the bot’s shortcomings. Ask them:

  • Where does the bot struggle?
  • When do they step in most?

Use their insights to improve your bot’s dialogue.

3. Use AI-powered analytics

Tools like Chatbase or Dashbot can crunch thousands of chats fast. They spot trends you might miss.

4. Keep training your bot

Feed it new info regularly:

  • Product updates
  • Common customer questions
  • Policy changes

5. Test and tweak

Try new rating scales, question types, or feedback timing. Small changes can make a big difference.

Bank of America’s chatbot, Erica, started rough but improved through updates. They boosted its language skills and added features based on user feedback. Now it’s crucial to their customer service.

Deutsche Telekom’s bot, Tinka, added a feedback button right in the chat. This let them gather user opinions in real-time and make quick fixes.

A good chatbot is never "done." It’s always growing and learning, just like your business.


Customizing chatbot ratings and reviews is a game-changer for customer service. Let’s recap the key benefits:

Benefit Impact
24/7 Availability Instant responses
Increased Efficiency Automates repetitive tasks
Better Data Collection More thorough feedback
Improved Customer Satisfaction 15% increase reported

The goal? Make feedback easy and useful. Use clear rating scales, time your asks right, and keep improving based on data.

Want to stand out? Create a smooth, user-friendly chatbot experience. Photobucket‘s success story says it all: 3% boost in customer satisfaction and 17% faster first resolutions with 24/7 chatbot support.

But here’s the kicker: don’t ditch the human touch. Chatbots should work WITH your support team, not replace them. Use chatbot insights to level up your overall customer service game.

Remember: easy feedback = happy customers = business growth. It’s that simple.

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Dmytro Panasiuk
Dmytro Panasiuk
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