Chatbot Session Timeout Settings: Best Practices

Here’s what you need to know about chatbot session timeouts:

  • Timeouts balance security and user experience
  • Amazon Lex default: 5 minutes (adjustable from 0-1440 minutes)
  • Shorter timeouts = better security, longer = better UX

Key timeout types:

  1. Idle: Ends chat after inactivity
  2. Absolute: Ends after set time, regardless of activity
  3. Sliding: Resets with each user action

Best practices:

  • Set timeouts based on task complexity and data sensitivity
  • Alert users before session ends
  • Save key conversation data for context
  • Use encryption and multi-factor authentication for security
  • Test timeout settings across devices and user scenarios
Timeout Length Best For
5-15 minutes General support
30-60 minutes Complex tasks
24 hours Long-term engagement

Remember: Regular testing and adjustments are crucial for optimal performance.

What Are Session Timeouts?

Session timeouts manage how long a chatbot conversation stays active. They’re crucial for smooth, secure chats.

Definition of Session Timeouts

A session timeout is when a chatbot ends a conversation after a period of user inactivity. When it hits, the chat closes and session data vanishes.

Take Amazon Lex. It has a 5-minute default timeout. No response in 5 minutes? The bot forgets everything and starts fresh next time.

Why use timeouts? They:

  • Free up server resources
  • Protect user data
  • Prevent hanging chats

Timeout Types

Chatbots use three main timeout types:

Type Function Use Case
Idle Ends chat after no activity Common, balances security and UX
Absolute Ends chat after set time Strict security (e.g., banking)
Sliding Resets timer with each action Flexible, longer sessions

Idle Timeouts: Most common. They kick in when users stop chatting. LiveChat might make a chat inactive after 10 minutes of silence.

Absolute Timeouts: Stricter. They end chats after a set time, even if the user’s active. Some banks use this, forcing logins after 12 hours.

Sliding Timeouts: More flexible. Each user action resets the clock, keeping sessions open longer for active users.

"Amazon Lex remembers all slot data and session attributes for the entire session when a user provides some slot data but doesn’t complete the action." – Amazon Lex Documentation

So, if you’re ordering shoes and get distracted, Lex remembers your choices until the session ends.

Choosing the right timeout is key. Too short? Users get annoyed. Too long? Security risks. It’s about finding that sweet spot for your chatbot.

Tips for Setting Chatbot Session Timeouts

Balancing security and user experience is crucial when setting chatbot session timeouts. Here’s how to do it right:

Choosing the Right Timeout Length

Consider these factors:

  • How long do users typically chat?
  • Are some tasks more complex?
  • How sensitive is the data?

Here’s a quick guide:

Timeout Type Length Best For
Idle 5-15 min General support
Absolute 30-60 min Financial stuff
Sliding 15-30 min Complex tasks

Amazon Lex allows sessions from 0 to 1,440 minutes (24 hours). Their 5-minute default works for simple chats but might need tweaking for trickier tasks.

"Amazon Lex remembers all slot data and session attributes for the entire session when a user provides some slot data but doesn’t complete the action." – Amazon Lex docs

So if someone starts ordering shoes but gets sidetracked, Lex won’t forget their choices until the session ends.

Alerting Users Before Sessions End

Don’t let users get caught off guard. Here’s how to warn them:

  1. Set up two warnings:

    • First: At 75% of timeout
    • Second: At 90% of timeout
  2. Use clear messages:

    • "2 minutes left! Want to keep going?"
    • "30 seconds left! Click ‘Continue’ to stay active."
  3. Make it easy to keep chatting:

    • Add a "Continue Session" button
    • Let users save their progress

For a customer support chatbot, try this:

Warning When Message
First 7 min inactive "Still there? Chat times out in 3 minutes."
Second 9 min inactive "1 minute left. Type ‘continue’ to keep chatting."

How to Set Up Session Timeouts

Setting up session timeouts for your chatbot is crucial. Here’s how to do it:

Find the Timeout Settings

  1. Log into your chatbot platform
  2. Look for "Settings" or "Configuration"
  3. Find "Session Management" or "Timeout Settings"

On Front‘s platform:

  1. Click the gear icon (top right)
  2. Go to "Company" settings, then "Preferences"
  3. In "General" tab, find "Session idle timeout"

Set Idle Timeout Limits

Once you’re there, set how long a user can be inactive before their session ends.

Here’s a quick guide:

Timeout Best For
5-15 min General support chatbots
30-60 min Complex tasks or sensitive info
24 hours Long-term engagement

To set it:

  1. Pick a time from the dropdown or enter a custom value
  2. Save changes

On Amazon Lex:

  • Default is 5 minutes
  • Can set between 0 and 1,440 minutes (24 hours)
  • Use CreateBot operation in AWS CLI or API to change idleSessionTTLInSeconds

Short timeouts? More secure. Long timeouts? Better user experience. Choose wisely.

"Every chatbot needs a _getting-started_ conversation with quick-replies for key conversations."

This helps users restart easily if they time out.

Changing What Happens at Timeout

When a chatbot session times out, you need to handle it right. Here’s how to manage timed-out sessions and save conversation data.

Managing Timed-Out Sessions

Timeout flows kick in when a session ends due to inactivity. They clear the user’s workflow position and variables. To make this better:

  1. Set up reminders before timeout
  2. Customize the timeout message
  3. Give options to continue or start over

In Aimylogic, you can add a Timeout block like this:

  1. Click + BLOCK on your screen
  3. Set the timeout value

Note: Timeout blocks don’t work with Yandex Alice or call bot scripts.

Saving Conversation Data

To keep context between sessions:

  1. Use persistent storage for key info
  2. Add a conversation history feature
  3. Let users pick up where they left off

Here’s how different timeout approaches stack up:

Approach Pros Cons
Clear all data Better privacy, less storage Returning users lose context
Save some data Balances privacy and experience Need to choose data carefully
Save everything Smooth experience for returns More storage, privacy risks

To set up user interaction expiration:

  1. Add a last accessed time to the conversation state
  2. Check it against current time before processing
  3. Use ExpireAfterSeconds in your config file

For a 30-minute timeout:

  "ExpireAfterSeconds": 1800

When restarting a timed-out conversation, tell the user:

"Hey! It’s been a while. Let’s start fresh. What can I help with?"


Keeping Sessions Secure

Chatbot security is crucial when handling sensitive data. Here’s how to protect your chatbot sessions and follow data protection rules:

Stop Unauthorized Access

To prevent session hijacking:

  1. Use unique security tokens for each session
  2. Set up multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  3. Apply end-to-end encryption

WhatsApp does this well. They use end-to-end encryption by default for over two billion users.

For extra security:

  • Set up Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Use AES-256 encryption for data at rest and in transit
  • Do regular security audits

Follow Data Protection Rules

GDPR matters for chatbots. Key points:

  • Chatbots are data collecting tools under GDPR
  • Fines can hit €20 million or 4% of global turnover

To stay compliant:

  1. Get clear user consent before collecting data
  2. Let users access their info
  3. Allow users to delete their data
  4. Update privacy policies to explain data usage

"Companies must notify the Data Protection Authority (DPA) within 72 hours of a data breach that risks individuals."

You can’t store personal data without direct user consent, even if you think you need to.

Security Measure Purpose
End-to-end encryption Keeps data private
Multi-factor authentication Checks user identity
Regular security audits Finds weak spots
RBAC Limits who sees sensitive data
AES-256 encryption Protects stored and moving data

Improving System Performance

Timeout values can make or break your chatbot’s performance. Here’s how to keep things running smoothly:

How Timeouts Affect Servers

Timeouts are a balancing act:

  • Too long? You’re wasting resources.
  • Too short? You’re cutting off conversations.

HubSpot‘s recent switch to a 24-hour timeout is a good example. It helps users see which chats wrapped up nicely and which ones got left hanging.

Timeout Server Impact
Long Resource hog
Short Conversation killer
Just right Happy servers, happy users

Checking and Updating Settings

Keep your chatbot in top shape:

  1. Review timeouts regularly
  2. Watch your metrics
  3. Tweak as needed

HubSpot users? Here’s how to adjust:

  1. Go to chatflows
  2. Hit "edit" on your chosen flow
  3. Click "options" in the left menu
  4. Pick a new timeout from the dropdown

"Default timeouts are the silent killer. Always set them yourself!" – Every developer, ever

Fixing Common Timeout Problems

Let’s tackle two main chatbot timeout issues: early timeouts and user complaints.

Finding Causes of Early Timeouts

Early timeouts often come from bad settings. Here’s how to spot and fix them:

  1. Check your settings: Default timeouts (like 10 minutes) might be too short.
  2. Watch your servers: Overloaded servers can cause timeouts. Keep an eye on them.
  3. Look at your code: Bugs can trigger timeouts. One user fixed Azure Functions timeouts with a retry:
@retry(Exception, tries=2, delay=1, backoff=2, logger=logging)
def function_that_calls_chatgpt():
    # Your code here
  1. Test different scenarios: Create tests to see where timeouts happen.

Handling User Complaints

When users get mad about timeouts:

  1. Get details: Ask when and how the timeout happened.
  2. Give quick fixes: Offer easy solutions:
Fix Why It Works
Restart browser Fixes temp issues
Try another browser Rules out browser problems
Check internet Ensures good connection
Turn off firewall Spots blocking issues
  1. Change timeout settings: If lots of complaints, make timeouts longer.
  2. Warn users: Let them know before their session ends.
  3. Use clear error messages: Don’t just say "Session expired." Try: "Chat inactive for 10 minutes. Continue or start over?"

Testing Timeout Settings

To ensure your chatbot’s timeout settings work across devices, you need to test them thoroughly. Here’s how:

Creating Test Scenarios

Set up various user situations:

  1. Test on different devices (phones, tablets, desktops)
  2. Simulate various network speeds
  3. Mimic different user behaviors:
    • Leaving mid-conversation
    • Taking long pauses
    • Rapid-fire messaging
  4. Gradually increase users to find your bot’s limits

A stress test showed:

Users Bot Performance
5 Handled easily
200+ Started failing
  1. Force timeout errors to check bot responses

To run tests:

  1. Use Azure portal’s "Test in Web Chat" for basic checks
  2. Use Bot Framework Emulator for deeper testing

"The Bot Framework Emulator lets you test timeout settings locally. Run your sample, connect to your bot, and wait 30 seconds after a prompt to see how the timeout works." – Microsoft’s Bot Framework docs

Keep an eye on response times during tests. If they’re longer than your set timeout (like 10 seconds), you’ll need to speed up your bot.


Setting the right session timeout for your chatbot is crucial. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Amazon Lex’s 5-minute default isn’t set in stone. You can tweak it from 0 to 1,440 minutes.
  • It’s all about balance. Longer timeouts? Better for API delays. Shorter ones? Tighter security. Find your sweet spot.
  • Different channels, different rules:
Channel Timeout
SMS, Facebook, Google Business Messages, WhatsApp 48 hours (pre-acceptance)
SMS, Facebook, Google Business Messages, WhatsApp 30 minutes (post-acceptance)
  • Keep testing. Our stress test showed performance varies with user load. Regular checks are key.
  • Don’t forget user experience. Let agents end chats manually to avoid unnecessary waiting.

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Dmytro Panasiuk
Dmytro Panasiuk
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